It’s the Elixir of Youth, But Should You Be Taking Marine or Bovine Collagen?

Ever wondered what the iconic Eiffel Tower, ancient adhesives, and your go-to bone broth have in common? Believe it or not – collagen. A protein deeply woven into our history and our bodies (one-third of it, to be precise), it’s become the toast (sourdough, of course) of the wellness world. Its rise to fame began in the 2010s mostly thanks to tech advancements that not only made it much more palatable but also revolutionised its form – think handy on-the-go sachets and refreshing cold drinks. Yet with a sea of options available from marine to bovine, the question we often get asked is: which collagen type is your ticket to a healthier, more glowing you?

Understanding Marine & Bovine Collagen: The Science & Benefits

Before we jump to our favourite collagen products, it would be wrong of us to miss out some of the science (you know how we do). Collagen is essentially the scaffolding of your body. It makes up over one-third of our bodies protein, making it a vital architect, seamlessly knitting together everything from the bounce in our skin to the spring in our step.

But that’s just the beginning of collagen’s superpowers. After a gruelling workout, its collagen that steps in, aiding in muscle recovery, reducing joint pain and improving bone health, giving you a fresh start to go again the next day. It’s your own natural recovery tool. And for those who are gut-health conscious (and let’s face it, who isn’t these days?), collagen is a crucial ally in maintaining the integrity of our gut wall and digestive systems.

Here’s the catch – naturally produced collagen doesn’t stick around at peak levels forever. As we go through our 20’s, our natural collagen production begins to slow down, leading to those first tell-tale signs of ageing we all know and (don’t) love. But fear not friends, this is where the world of collagen supplements steps in, offering a fountain of youth in various forms – from powders to pills to potions.

Marine vs Bovine Collagen: The Differences

Okay, so you’ve probably noticed that the most common forms of collagen supplements in your favourite health store (fyi, ours is Healf) are Marine & Bovine. But deciding which is best for you isn’t always so simple. So let us demystify it for you, considering the all-important factors like source, type, bioavailability, taste and health benefits.

First up, Marine collagen. The haute couture of collagen, derived from fish collagen peptides & fish skin, it’s brimming Type I collagen, making it a go-to if you’re seeking to elevate your skin game (think peak hydration and gravity-defying skin elasticity). Plus, it’s high bioavailability in many marine collagen supplements means you may soak up more of its goodness per dose. PSA: we’ve tried and tested non-flavoured Marine collagen peptides at the Daily Rituals HQ before, & we definitely found the longer it was left after mixing, the more “fishy” it started to taste.

Then theres Bovine – aka, the trusty LBD of collagen supplements. Sourced mainly from cow skin, its a blend of both Type I and III collagen. Whilst Type I works magic on your skin, Type III flexes it’s muscle in supporting, well, your muscles, connective tissues & arteries. It’s an all rounder and often can be easily added to your morning coffee without you noticing it’s there. But remember, ethics matter (to our planet & bodies!) so it’s good idea to make sure the cows it’s sourced from are raised au naturale, without hormones, antibiotics or GMOs.

Recommended Dosage of Bovine or Marine Collagen

So you’ve decided which fits your current health needs & now you’re wondering, what’s the golden measure for my daily glow? Like most things in wellness, theres not one catch all answer. Studies show that a range from a subtle 2.5g (2,500mg) to a more robust 10g (10,000mg) per day can be effective. The general consensus though is that higher doses are likely to be more effective at supporting our joint health, skin cells & bone density, so if you’re hoping to see more profound health improvements, it’s probably worth choosing a stronger daily dose, at least initially.

One things for sure – if the brand you’re considering doesn’t state the dosage in each sachet or capsule (sinful, but believe us, plenty don’t!), then we suggest avoiding it because it’s likely an overpriced multivitamin, & it’s not going to give the benefits you’re being promised. Many often team up with other vitamins like Vitamin C too, and whilst theres no harm in adding it into the mix, make sure that it’s addition isn’t compromising your overall collagen dose.

Our Favourite Collagen Brands

Revive Collagen – The Viral Hydrolysed Marine Collagen Drink

Founded in 2020 by TOWIE star Sam Faiers after she went through her own struggles with hormonal acne after her second child was born, Revive is rumoured to sell one box of collagen every 90 seconds. Made in one of the UK’s top labs, the brands hero product, their original, is a social media favourite and provides 8,500mg of Type 1 Hydrolysed Marine Collagen per serving. With the business said to have turned over £13million in just three years since launch, it’s fair to say that it’s a trusted option in the UK. Since launch, the brand have expanded to include an array of premium, ingestible skincare elixirs all to target the tell-tale signs of ageing from within. Their lineup, which now includes options like Enhanced Plus (basically their original with extra vitamins), Beauty Sleep (slightly less collagen but with added sleep support from chicory root, selenium and zinc), and a Vegan blend. We love Revive because not only does it taste perfectly fine, it’s free from a myriad of additives too. A 14 days supply starts at £27.99 (£1.99 per serving), with UK next day delivery available.

Zooki – The “Best All-Rounder” For a Hydrolysed Marine Collagen Boost

Launched in 2017, Zooki made a splash in the wellness world, quickly establishing itself as the go-to brand for effective daily collagen support. Interestingly, their original collagen sachets are a similar price to Revive, but only contain 5,000mg of collagen vs Revives 7,500mg.

Zooki pride themselves on their bioavailability of their collagen, and without boring you with the science, it’s all to do with the size of the collagen molecule (for once, smaller = better). That being said, any collagen that is hydrolysed is made into a tinier, more absorbable molecule. We love their commitment to sustainability with their 100% recyclable sachets and taste-wise, they’re a clear winner. We actually looked forward to our morning Zooki ritual.

Our recommendation? Splurge a little on their their super strength option. Yes, a tad pricier at £2.57 per serving, it packs an hefty 11,000mg of collagen. A small luxury thats still less than your morning matcha, & guaranteed to give you an unmistakeable glow. Trust us, your skin will thank you.

Bare Biology Collagen – The Powder One You’ll Add Into Everything

Known for their no-nonsense approach to collagen, Bare Biology’s Pure Marine Collagen Powder is a minimalists dream. Intentionally neutral tasting (making it the perfect addition to any food of choice – ours was our overnight oats), it’s simple, effective & well-priced too. With one pack set to last you for 2 months, it works out at just over 60p per serving. Offering 5000mg of hydrolysed fish collagen, it’s the lowest dosage from our selection of favourites so far, but given the price, you could double your dose per day and it’s still the cheapest option. Putting our science lab coat on (as we do), we noticed that Bare Biology’s collagen molecule size is around 3x smaller than that of Zooki’s – another reason why we’re not put off by the lower collagen hit per serving. We love that their still a family-owned business, despite their success, & haven’t budged on their morals when it comes to sustainable sourcing too. We also fans of the fact they just say it how it is and so no doubt we’ll become a regular listener of CEO Melanie Lawson’s upcoming debut podcast, The Mel Lawson Show.

Ancient & Brave Collagen: The One for Gut Health & Overall Wellbeing

Ancient & Brave, co-founded by Kate Prince, is a brand that uniquely blends ancient healing practices with wellness and nutrition. Katie, who began her career as a media lawyer, transitioned to becoming a brand owner after launching her first business, Prince & Sons, a hugely successful luxury tea company. After learning more about the importance of nutrition as a busy brand owner, she decided that there had to be a better way to create a collagen powder to support her daily needs. Her vision was a truly pure offering that embraced the ancestral lifestyle she championed (seen with her use of ingredients like cacao & reishi), whilst also focusing on reducing the ethical challenges around collagen supplementation and prioritising sustainability.

Ancient & Brave was born, and since it’s inception in 2018 they’ve not only become a certified B-Corp, they also take part in the 1% for the Planet initiative too. They pride themselves on their formulation process, lead by immunologist and Head of Innovation, Dr Jenna Macciochi.

Unlike many other brands, Ancient & Brave offer both Bovine and Marine collagen options, with both offering the same amount of collagen per serving. We opted for Bovine, since we’ve had plenty of Marine collagen at this point. It was true to its word in that it dissolved easily & offered a tasteless 10,000mg. If you opt for 10g per day (giving a 10,000mg collagen dose), it works out at around £2.30 per serving, which is pretty impressive. We enjoyed adding it into our evening routine by blending it with organic cacao & full fat coconut milk for a dopamine-boosting after-dinner treat.

New Formulations We’re Excited About at Daily Rituals HQ

Exciting new collagen formulations are always hitting the shelves, offering new ways to boost collagen levels in our daily lives. From collagen peptides infused with functional mushrooms to unique blends designed for hormone health. Our latest favourites are Momentus’s Collagen Peptides that includes an impressive line up of Type I, II and III collagen thanks to their advanced formulation and Paleo Valley’s Vanilla Bone Broth for a sweeter (but still natural and artificial ingredient-free) offering.

Frequently Asked Questions

When Should I Start Taking Collagen?

While your early 20’s might seem a touch early to fret over fine lines, it’s actually the prime time to jump on the collagen bandwagon before you start to experience more noticable collagen loss. Think of it as your skin’s savvy investment plan – start early, and you could be reaping the plump, glowy rewards for years to come. Consistency, as is often the case, is your best friend here. Plus, since it’s an excellent source of protein, it’s often a better option than a regular protein shake too, making it easy to integrate into your diet. Whether you’re a fresh-faced twenty-something or embracing the grace of your later years, it’s the commitment to your collagen routine that’ll keep your skin thanking you in the long run.

Is Collagen Still Effective When Added to Hot Drinks?

We’re a nation that loves a hot cuppa, but not all collagens are created equal, especially when it comes to adding them into your hot drinks. It’s here where the type of collagen you’re taking matters. Marine collagen is your go-to for heat-friendly sipping – its smaller molecules can often keeping all the good stuff intact. Bovine collagen, though, might not be as heat-tolerant and adding it to your favourite hot drink may have a detrimental effect on its bioavailability. The trick to keeping your collagen kick effective? Stick to the script – follow the guidelines on your collagen jar for best results.

The DR Verdict

Choosing your collagen is like choosing the ‘perfect’ workout schedule – it has to match your lifestyle and goals. Pescatarians, marine collagen is going to be your best fit. But if you’re all about supporting those joints or targeting specific skin & gut needs, bovine collagen might just be your holy grail. Plus, it also depends how much you’re willing to splurge to get your daily dose, and how you like to take it (hot, cold, blended – the list goes on!).

Our team favourite was the Revive Collagen Sachets, thanks to their high dosage & the ease of taking them on the go (plus, we’re already fans of a bone broth at HQ, which led us to lean towards to marine collagen supplementation, since we weren’t getting it in our daily broth).

But whether it’s the marine magic or the bovine boost for you, remember, consistency is key to unlocking that fountain of youthful skin, fierce nails, and silky hair.

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